
Iteration, Recursion and Tail recursion

Courtesy: Functional Programming Principles in Scala

Problem: Given a and b,
find the sum of range of numbers between a and b.
E.g. Given 1 and 4, the result is 10 (1+2+3+4). Simple.

Language: Scala

Let’s do this with programmers’ favorite, Iteration

    def iterative_sum(a: Long, b: Long):Long =  {
      var result = 0L;
      for(i <- a until b){result=result+i}
      return result+b;

If we had to do this with recursion,

def sum(a: Long, b: Long): Long = if(a > b) 0 else a + sum(a+1, b)

This works for smaller values. There’s a problem with this for bigger values because the way it’s implemented. If we see how it works, it would be obvious to figure that out. Assume the red grid as a limited size stack.

{% img 410px %}

It keeps putting expressions to stack till it could evaluate to a value. Now, you can see it throws StackOverflowError for larger input.

{% img 410px %}

This is the problem with recursion. This might be one reason programmers tend to avoid recursion as it might not be obvious to guess when it fails.

If we could write a recursion function that does not force to use stack then we can avoid this error. And that is called as tail recursion. The way to do is that the last line of the recursion function should be just the recursion and not something else to do with the result.

With the help of nested function construct in scala, we could write something like this. Here loop(a+1, acc+a) is the recusion call. As you can see this is the only expression, it does not require stack to store intermediate result.

    def tail_sum(a: Long, b: Long): Long ={
      def loop(a: Long, acc: Long): Long = {
        if(a > b) acc
        else loop(a+1, acc+a)
      loop(a, 0)

I tried the above all in for a large value (>6998 in my machine) and saw recursion failing while iteration and tail recursion are able to return result.

{% gist 4959395 IterationRecursionTailRecursion.scala %}